Glasgow continued - it appears that T-Mobile does not work here - so I have an English phone number with voicemail! You can call: 011-44-7789-128-170. We'll see if my US number works in Edinburgh and Durham.
A lovely day in Glasgow - sunny in the 60's. continued the tour with St. Mungo's Cathedral - a brawny 12-15th C. building with a Henry Willis organ and the only Rood screen left in Scotland after the Reformation.
Then on to tea at the Willow Tea Room - a recreation of the famous place designed by Rennie Mackintosh - lovely and charming. Then more Mackintosh at the Glasgow School of Art - a handsome building. A long walk around the west end looking at the Georgian architecture - a wonderful day.
A lovely day in Glasgow - sunny in the 60's. continued the tour with St. Mungo's Cathedral - a brawny 12-15th C. building with a Henry Willis organ and the only Rood screen left in Scotland after the Reformation.
Then on to tea at the Willow Tea Room - a recreation of the famous place designed by Rennie Mackintosh - lovely and charming. Then more Mackintosh at the Glasgow School of Art - a handsome building. A long walk around the west end looking at the Georgian architecture - a wonderful day.
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