Friday, February 17, 2006


After wandering around the Cammando for a v. long time, listening to the audio guide and generally sinking into an 18th century daze, I realised I was late for lunch at Daniel and Odile's. So, a quick dash on the Metro to R. Eugene Carriere for a v. delicious lunch, as always. Odile is a wonderful cook - she's been feeding me French specialities since 1979! I had my first boudin noir there. Afterwards Daniel and I watched a tape of a concert conducted by his son, Francois. Brilliant. it's always wonderful to return to their home - the welcome is always so warm, and the memories of going there every day to practice (in 1979-80) and for lessons are wonderful. It's a real touchstone for me. It's always a thrill to enter this elegant lobby, knowing who's upstairs!

That evening David and Francois cooked a yummy dinner for me, Lionel & Francois - lots of fun. Not only do David & Francois do fabulous renovations, they're great hosts.

David in the Salon.
Lionel, Francois, Francois - everyone I know in Paris has a Francois!
David & Lionel in the glamorous kitchen.
Lionel & Francois checking text messages.


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